NYC to reopen schools, even as virus spread intensifies. -Dean Alkovic

    New York City schools are planning to reopen back up next week, even as the Corona pandemic intensifies in the city. This announcement shocked everybody because two weeks prior NYC schools was shutdown due to the increasing cases of COVID 19. This is raising a major concern because since it is getting colder out COVID cases are expected to skyrocket which is not good at all. Every kid has to follow strict COVID guidelines for their safety and for everybody else's safety to try to limit the spread of the deadly virus. 

    De Blasio (the mayor) of NYC wants all his kids have a chance at in person learning because he knows that not every student have good wifi to learn and he understands that some kids struggle to learn through a computer screen. Previously, "the city would test 20% of their students and teachers in each school building every month. Now, the testing will be weekly" (Daily Herald 1). de Blasio is trying his best to cut down the number of cases by testing weekly and making sure everyone is safe. 

West Brooklyn Community High School principal Malik Lewis, left, bumps elbows with former student Jason Cardoso

    Studies show that younger people with a healthy immune system aren't likely to die from this disease but older people are. Many families are worried to send their kids back to school because they don't want their kids spreading to their family and make someone sick. Opening back up is only going to make everything worse and especially New York has one of the highest cases in the Country right now. Personally, I think that the schools opening back up is a bad idea because Corona is showing no signs of slowing down and there isn't a vaccine yet to use. 

    Overall, with the reopening of schools across NYC it has lead to a lot of questions in regards to how they mayor proceeds to keep everyone safe. I hope every student/teacher follows the strict COVID guidelines so everyone stays safe and healthy!


Caruso, David B, and Karen Mathews. “NYC to Reopen Schools, Even as Virus Spread Intensifies.” Daily Herald, Daily Herald, 29 Nov. 2020, 



  1. This was surprising, but also came from pressure. People want to know why schools are shut, but restaurants and bars and gyms are open....


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