How Greece Handled the Coronavirus-Zoe Criezis

 How Greece Limited the Virus

In March of 2020, Greece experienced COVID cases in the country. The hospitals reached their full capacity in a short amount of time-only two weeks! By the month of April, the virus had gradually subdued. Since the start of the pandemic, Greece has had a little under 400 COVID-related deaths. That isn’t even 2% of the death count in the United States! The way Greece handled the pandemic over the months is a crucial part of why their cases are so low compared to many other countries.

How did they keep the numbers so low in comparison? Well, when Italy first witnessed a plunge of COVID cases, Greece took action. As a neighboring country, they knew that the regular life they were living would see a similar pattern if they didn’t take steps. With less than 100 cases in the country, they closed many places. Schools, cafes, restaurants, and more were closed. At the end of March, Greece entered a full lockdown, which is a great reason why they contained the virus better than many. Many of the citizens complied with the extent of the country’s measures, which also helped in containment. The airports and nursing homes had extensive COVID testing where they could track the virus better and prevent the infected people from spreading it further. Greece also prevented those in other countries from coming into their country, specifically countries with higher cases(USA, UK, etc). 

The question of tourism still remains in the country. Greece is well known for its beauty and history, where over 26 million visit the country per year. They are hoping that the strict precautions that have put in place will not result in rising COVID cases. Overall, the way that Greece handled the virus should be an example to other countries who start to see a rise in those infected, to hopefully prevent an overflow of cases.

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  1. I really liked your post as it goes into an important topic and explains Greece handled the Coronavirus. It also does a good job at explaining how it is difficult for countries like Greece as many people go there every year.

  2. A great idea for a blog post so we can compare what other countries have done. But, you did not include a byline, so I don't know who wrote this. You have to add a byline and email me so that you can get credit for your post.

  3. The question of tourism must be tough for them considering that their economy relies so heavily on it but at the same time, they don't want to have outbreaks that could cause even an even bigger economic downturn. Thanks for sharing this! It's really interesting.

  4. I like how you did Greece so we could compare what they are doing to what the United States is doing. Your post does a good job explaining how difficult it is for Greece during this time because they rely on tourism, since covid hit tourism must be down and they must be having a hard time.

  5. This is definitely an interesting topic to write about. My boyfriend's family is from Greece and when quarantine started, his Grandma came back to America to live with them. But since Greece handled the lock down so well, she was able to be safely back on the island she is from within a few short months which was definitely a relief considering she is elderly and lives by herself.

  6. I really enjoyed reading your post, and how you talked about how Greece took proactive response to slow the spread. It provides to hope to what seems like never ending situation.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I really enjoyed reading your blog post because you did a good job explaining how Greece controlled the Corona virus. I find it crazy that Greece only has 400 deaths and thats only 2% of the death count in the U.S. This was very interesting. thanks for sharing!

  9. I definitely agree with what Greece did and I wish that maybe the USA took there advice over the summer but I also loved you blog so informative. - McCall


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