Water Shortage in Mexico City Makes Pandemic Hygiene Difficult

 As if the pandemic was not an already extremely difficult, fearful time for many so many people imagine not being able to take the necessary precautions to be as safe as possible during this time. Well that is what life is currently like for the people in San Gregorio, Mexico City. These people currently are not only living in a pandemic but also a water shortage. Government data from 2018 shows that about 20 percent of Mexico City's population doesn't have access to water every day, the majority of which live in the city's poorest areas. These people are being told by their government to wash their hands often with soap and water but they do not have that luxury. 

Things that we so often take for granted in our daily life is a daily struggle for them. For most people have the ability to press start on the washing machine without even thinking twice, or when they want to wash their hands or get a drink. While the people living in these are are getting rain water brought in on a truck every 15 days and dumped into their big Pipas outside. Or having to walk at least 15 min to use the public outdoor clothing washing station. Where there are others doing the same, but when you go home you can't just wash your hands to protect yourself from the germs because there is no running water. This is why the Covid-19 cases in areas like this are so high. 

(Those big containers he is filling are pipas)

When there are people who refuse to partake in the mandated precautions when we have the abilities to how is that fair to those who cannot. To the families that wish they could help protect there kids and grandparents by just a simple task as washing their hands frequently. How is it fair that you have that luxury and just chose to blatantly ignore it because its a hassle. If you are someone who takes these for granted I hope this helped you get a better understanding so maybe next time you turn on the washing machine or wash your hands you think twice and are thankful you have that Luxury. 

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  1. It's so hard to imagine us not having the plentiful resources we have. I also can't imagine not being able to wash my hands when needed. Many of us with those plentiful resources definitely take for granted how much we have access to.

  2. Water is certainly a resource we take for granted, and clean and accessible water everywhere is definitely an issue that needs to be fixed to help others, especially during the pandemic.

  3. I can't imagine living without clean water at our disposal. I live in a house where some of us shower multiple times a day. The photos really drive your point home. However, you did not add a byline. Please add one and EMAIL me so you can get credit for your post.


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