How Was Halloween Actually Celebrated? by Chris Johnson

 Chris Johnson

Mrs. Kopp

Contemporary Lit. 12

For 10/31/20


    As everyone knows, these past couple of months have been some of the worst times our generation has seen with the pandemic. Ever since March, the coronavirus struck the U.S. and the numbers have not stopped increasing ever since. One thing that came with this was not seeing any friends or family, stores closing and jobs being lost. But in the beginning, no one would've guessed that it could of lasted this long. However, here we are, Halloween night wearing masks and distancing ourselves from one another while  we collect candy in the safest way possible.  

    I know for me growing up, Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. Dress up with my friends, leave the house for a couple hours, and absolutely drown ourselves in candy until we couldn't anymore. Recently, while working and delivering food on Halloween, I noticed how little trick or treaters  I saw walking around. At the end of the night, it only totaled to about two whole families. It was almost sad to see such a fun holiday be ruined for all the kids by this pandemic.

    On an article on, they talk about how kids actually went about all around the U.S. First, many social gatherings, such as parties, parades, and festivals, were all canceled because of fear of spreading the virus. However, that didn't stop some kids. Kids still got dressed up in their costumes, added a mask and some hand sanitizer and were on their way collecting candy safely. The kids weren't the only ones that were practicing safety. Neighbors built machines that hand out candy and hand them out to kids so that there is no person-to-person contact. Other neighbors were putting out separately wrapped bags of candy so that all kids weren't grabbing from the same bowl.

    In the end, a lot of kids got to get some candy, however the conditions were not ideal. I couldn't imagine being younger and not being able to celebrate this holiday like I used to. 

Halloween and COVID-19: Scientific Study on the Coronavius Risk of  Trick-or-Treating 

By Chris Johnson

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  1. It is definitely sad for the kids and others who enjoy the holiday so much. I loved seeing candy slides outside people's houses that gave trick or treaters candy in a safer way! Hopefully next year will be better in terms of the health of people.

  2. It's sad that kids during the pandemic didn't get to experience the same traditions we did on holidays like Halloween

  3. Its sad how these kids growing up aren't able to live the same child hood as us growing up. Hopefully next year these kids can enjoy the holidays once Corona goes away.


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