How the Corona virus has affect the homeless- Erin Esso

 When Covid-19 many people fear for the lives of the homeless. Among the people that died, researchers say that they believe that none of those people were homeless. Only about 200 homeless people out of 8,000 homeless people have tested positive for the virus. And there is only around 69 deaths from the homeless population in San Francisco. In other places with a high population of homeless people, their numbers are strikingly low. 

The main problem that the Corona virus has caused a shortage of food and water for the homeless. With many places closed down they can't get the free food they rely on. So many of the homeless people are starving and going hungry. They also haven't been able to use restrooms to bathe or use the bathroom. More homeless people are dying from starving and being malnourished than they are from the virus. 
Dr. Margot Kushel has been very hesitant to make conclusions on how the Corona virus is affecting the homeless population. She thinks that by them living outside they may be at lower risk to get the virus versus when people are living inside and when they are in tighter spaces. Most shelters have the bed safe distances apart and even some centers are getting hotel rooms if there is over crowding. And at the shelters and hotels, they get covid tested or at least a temperature check before they can come in. 
So for the most part homeless people are being taken care of and the virus has effected them but not as bad as we all thought! 
Har, Janie. “Coronavirus Hasn't Devastated the Homeless as Many Feared.” AP NEWS, Associated Press, 16 Aug. 2020,


  1. This is a really important topic right now. Thanks for sharing.


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