A Mysterious Object Is Hurtling Towards Earth, and Scientists Don't Know What It Is????

The Mysterious Theory

    A mysterious object soon to be soaring only 31,000 miles away from the Earth. This is so close to put into perspective the passing distance is about 13 percent of the average distance of the Earth to the Moon. The mysterious object will pass Earth on approximately December 1st at 3:50 a.m E.T. The object is said to be 15-33 feet across. In my opinion, I don't believe that the object is big enough to see from the surface of the Earth with the naked eye. Scientists have theories on what this mysterious object could be. One theory they have is that it is a "Centaur rocket booster from NASA's failed Surveyor 2 lunar mission which launched on September 20, 1966." The Surveyor 2 was the second lunar lander that was meant to explore the moon but the mission failed as it never reached the moon. This is a theory because after scientists checked the trajectory of the booster after launch it matched up with the places in orbit that it has passed. The mysterious object was found to pass the earth multiple times over the past decades.

 Centaur Program | Glenn Research Center | NASA

Will The Mysterious Object hit Earth?

    The other theory that scientists have is that it could be just a normal asteroid or an unknown object. It could be extraterrestrial life trying to make contact with us. The object entered the Earth's gravity on November 8, 2020, and might in orbit until March of 2021. The mysterious object won't make contact with Earth's surface but after the object has left Earth's gravity it will "escape back into a new orbit around the sun." As it approaches the Earth astronomers will observe the object and determine whether it is an asteroid, rocket booster, or an unknown object. Earth

By: AJ Frantzeskakis


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