2020 in My Eyes - Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson
Mrs. Kopp
Contemporary Lit.

2020 in My Eyes
    One of the most stressful years in my life so far has easily been 2020. I have lived a whole life so far without any problems it seems however, this year, they all seemed to cram into one. As if junior year wasn't hard enough on me with all of my exams and classes, the pandemic hit. Schools were then canceled right as it hit New Jersey and that's when things really became more difficult. 
    For school, it wasn't really that hard at the end because the teachers weren't actually allowed to teach so my grades were really good. For the first couple of weeks, this virus really seemed to be helping. I would say the real downfall was my AP exams. The online exams were very short but also impossible. Not doing well on any of them really, I went into the summer pretty bummed. Then my summer job was postponed so I couldn't even make any money during any of this. Once that took off and lacrosse began again, it started to seem like things were returning back to normal. Not at all. Things began to get worse again as we entered our senior year. People kept saying how the class of 2020 were the ones that got hurt the most, however I really disagree. 
    The start of my senior year wasn't really a start at all. I was still waking up every morning at home and just going on my computer. It genuinely did not feel like I was in school at all. However, there was always talk of going to school with a hybrid schedule which gave some hope. As we got really close to that date, COVID-19 actually ended up spreading through my own friend group, pushing football games back and even the date for school a little. Although I never experienced problems first hand with COVID, it wasn't until five months into it that I knew someone had it. While all this was going on, it was finally time to apply to colleges. This is the one thing that I have been looking forward to for so long. With me barley being able to get tests done or any services too, my resume was kind of weak, but I really couldn't do anything about it. I felt as if this whole time from the beginning of it, the class of 2021 was really the class to get it the worst and no one can really say different. Were the one class so far to not have a senior year (or at least it doesn't feel like it at all). The struggles for our class are not detrimental but they are real and they do have an impact on all of us.

** This is just me blabbing on about how my year has been so far.


  1. It's okay to babble sometimes. I agree that so far, your class has had the worst of it when it comes to missing out and the AP test change - just really unfortunate. Hang in there - I'm hoping 2021 is much better!


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