Should dying with dignity be allowed?

 Assisted Suicide is a huge controversial topic among many people. Should people be able to die with dignity or should they suffer with their illness? 

This has become a state to state issue. In  New Jersey the Aid in dying for the terminally ill act were put in took place in 2019. The law states that qualified patients can request to die and physicians may prescribe medication under the law. The patients must have a terminal illness with a prognoses of 6 months or fewer left to live. To get the process started first two physicians must confirm the diagnosis, then they take into account the mental health of the patient. If that persons mental health is okay then they are allowed to continue with the process. In new Jersey alone 82% of people believe that assisted suicide should be allowed. They believe that people should have the right to choose to live their life the way they want and to die the way they wrong. About 18% of people in New Jersey say that no one should ever do this, even if they are sick. Those people feel its wrong to end someones life in that way. 

In the Annual Report Chronicles of the Dying with Dignity Act, 12 people in New Jersey were allowed to die the way they wanted to and on their own terms. New Jersey is only one of nine states that allow dying with dignity. The report allows for people to know what their rights are with this law, how it works and if they qualify. According to the report 90% of people who choose to die, they get to do it at their own home, the people say it comforts them to be able to die they way they want and in the safety in their own home.

Jfleming. “News.” Department of Health | News | Annual Report Chronicles Impact of New Jersey's Death with Dignity Law,


  1. This is such a sensitive yet important topic. One thing that I often think of is that we don't let our pets suffer, we allow them to die peacefully. I know pets are not people, but I always thought that was a strange thought. However, you did NOT include a byline on this post, so please add one and EMAIL me so you can get credit.


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